HAMA Tours - Meeting Room



Okay, so according to the random draw, the participants for our next study trip are…Raito and Yukikaze!


Looks like it’s you and me, Yukikaze. It may just be a study trip, but I’m looking forward to it.


Me too. It’ll be a different experience compared to traveling for my competitions.


Alright, looks like you’re both up for it. Let’s decide on your destination next. Sakujiro, hand me the lottery box.


Yes, Mr. President. Here it is. Please, do the favors of pulling one out.


Oh, actually, doesn’t Asu High do something like this for their field trips? They pick the students’ favorite country out of a list of potential destinations…

Both of you went to Asu High, right? Where did you guys go on your field trip? Ah, but you didn’t get to go on it, right, Yuki-nii?


Right, I didn’t. I had a competition at the same time, so I couldn’t go.


Raito-san, did you go?


Hmm, well, I was absent from school at the time due to a few different reasons, so I didn’t go either.


Alright… And here it is! Looks like you’re going to Singapore!


Singapore… That’d be a great destination for a school field trip.


Yeah, I actually think it was on their list of potential countries.


Then maybe this can be like a do-over for the field trip you both missed!


Maybe it can. I’m looking forward to it.


But… What’s the difference between a field trip and a regular trip? Both of us already have experience with overseas travel.

Should we wear our old Asu High uniforms and go?


That sounds like a great idea!


But I’m not sure if my parents still have mine… I’ll have to look for it.


We could always buy new ones, but if we end up finding our old ones, we can get them tailored to fit us better.


W-Wait, you don’t need to go that far!

(The way they’re always so serious about everything really freaks me out!)

Well, study trips and field trips both help you learn something, so either way, this’ll be a different experience compared to traveling for work or vacation.

Since you were classmates, maybe you can go to all of the popular field trip spots to look back on your high school memories.


A do-over of the field trip we didn’t get to go on, huh? That sounds interesting. We can experience everything we missed out on in high school.


Now it sounds like it’ll be even more fun. Thank you for the idea, Chief.


Hey. Stop trying to hold his hand all the time.

…Well, at least it sounds like it’ll be an interesting experience for the both of you.


Hey. Stop trying to hold her hand all the time.

…Well, at least it sounds like it’ll be an interesting experience for the both of you.


<⁠The plane will be taking off shortly. Please make sure your seatbelts are fastened.⁠>



Yukikaze, did you see all of the students leaving for their field trip in the lobby earlier?

They were all wearing the same uniforms, but had completely different luggage. You could see some with a carry-on suitcase and a small tote bag, but others just had a single backpack. It was fun to see how something that small showed off their individual personalities.


Oh, so it’s not much different from what people do for regular trips. I wonder what we would’ve brought if we got to go in high school.


We’d be busy exploring in the daytime, so I suppose we’d bring stuff to use at nighttime.


That makes sense. Then a MotG deck might be a necessity for me. I could play it all night, if I wanted to.


MotG, huh? That’s your favorite trading card game, isn’t it? The hobby really suits you.

As for me… Well, the high school version of me would want to sneak out at night, so I’d probably bring an inflatable mannequin to use as a decoy.


Oh, something to help you sneak out. I hadn’t even thought of that. That’s a great idea.

(There’s so much to talk about by just imagining what it would’ve been like. It feels like it was a waste we couldn’t go during high school.)

Singapore - Changi Airport



Alright, we made it.


Witnessing what you were like after waking up was enough to put Liguang to shame. It was quite the sight.


I’ll take that as a compliment. That aside, are you feeling hungry?


I am. Looks like there’s a food court here. Let’s check it out.