The Night Begins

HAMA Tours

(It’s finally time… The team’s first tour. Since the Night Team is hosting this one, the tour activities mainly take place at night.)

(We’re expecting a lot of people, but we’ll be using the app that Kafka helped develop like always, so we’ll be fine.)

(With the app, we can plan itineraries for every guest that’ll allow them to visit all the wards before the hospitality live starts, all without having any single ward grow to be too crowded.)

(This tour is focused around solo travel. I hope that the guests who came alone will enjoy the tour to the fullest without having to sit through long, boring wait times.)



Looks like it’s almost time… Oh, you actually don’t look nervous for once.


Yeah. I’m really excited for the guests to see what the team has in store for them.


I’ll do my best so our guests can make lots of happy memories!


This fluttering in my heart reminds me of when I first left my galaxy!


Well, ready or not, it’s time to go. We just gotta be prepared and do it.


Yes, it’s important to be prepared. I’ll work hard to help make the tour a success.


…A lot’s happened with me lately, but I’ll do my best.


Alright, everyone, good luck out there!


Chief, can I talk to you?

I’d like to try that, if it’s okay. I’ve never done it before.




A team huddle.


Yeah! Okay everyone, put your hands together!


Man, this is like a coming-of-age movie… Alright.


I ain’t gonna do that shit.


Th-That sounds like so much fun…! Yeah, we have to do one before our tour starts! Of course! Come on, Brother Dearest!


Alright, let’s do it.


I haven’t done something like this in a while, but it’s a nice feeling. It’s like we’ve all become one.


(Yodaka-san hasn’t mentioned his headaches or drowsiness issues since that conversation we had, but I’m a little relieved to see that he hasn’t changed.)

Okay, Nagi-kun. It’s all yours!






Let’s do our best.


(His slow timing’s still alive and kicking…)



Ye… Yeaaahhh…!

Yokohama Station

Yokohama Station



(This time, my disguise is that of a charming older man who will show you the best spots to spend a fun night. Once again, nobody will suspect that I’m an auditor from Tokyo.)

Time for me to see what the Night Team can do.


Over here! Please make sure you’re following me!


(Oh, the chief from HAMA Tours just passed by me… Always such a passionate tour guide, that one.)

The Night Team’s concept should be…somewhere on the app. Hm.

“A trip to deepen your bond with yourself.”

(Such a grand concept coming from a group of youngsters… Good grief.)

(I’ve given good reviews to the other tours, but it looks like this one won’t end quite as well.)

Angel’s Eye - Entrance

Angel's Eye - Entrance


(The itinerary listed on my app led me to Ward 15. Angel’s Eye… I suppose this is the correct place.)

(A fortune-telling house…? This nonsense is nothing but simple-minded trickery. I have absolutely no interest in it.)

But I am here to do my job. I cannot simply walk away without trying… Hm?

(There’s a rest area set up outside of the building. A large tent with a carpet spread out inside that harkens back to the old trend of glamping.)

(All of the guests sitting inside it are reading… No, it looks like some are spacing out as well. They all seem to be doing their own activities.)

Tourist A

Phew… Reading for so long’s got me thirsty.


You can order something from this screen, yes. All of the restaurants from Ward 15 are available for delivery, yes.


You. What is the purpose of this area?


Oh, it’s just a rest area, yes.


Rest? But there are bookshelves and seats set up inside. It seems to be more than a simple rest area.


Is that so? Guests who have been guided by Angel’s Eye and Arataka are free to use the space to clear their minds, yes.

Before and after you receive guidance, it’s the perfect place to go to enjoy some time alone and reflect on your feelings, yes.

You may sit here and take your time reading books, drinking coffee, people-watching, or stargazing, yes.


I see…

I apologize for thinking that this was simple-minded trickery. This is an excellent way to relax.

However, I have no interest in fortune-telling. I’ve been a realist for all 55 years of my life…!

Now, show me inside!


As you wish, yes. If you consider our service to be trickery, then we’ll just have to get serious, yes!

Omotenashi Battle
Angel’s Eye

Toi! You have a customer, yes.


(I gave in… No, this has barely started. You have yet to truly impress me, Night Team mayors.)


Welcome. Please have a seat.


…Are you going to tell me my fortune?




(Shiramitsu Toi… Only 21 years old, if I recall correctly. Can someone with so little life experience truly heal people’s hearts?)

(I suppose I shouldn’t expect much.)


Is there any particular instrument you’d like me to use? If you want a more traditional method, I can use astrology, Tarot cards, a crystal ball, or other typical methods.1 I can also use any unconventional methods.


Hoh… Unconventional methods? Then I’d like for you to pick something unconventional.


I understand. In that case, I will be using a bow.


A-A bow? Are you going to use it to shoot arrows?


No, I’m going to listen to the sound it makes. This is a method I invented myself, so I haven’t had the chance to use it very much… I do hope you’ll bear with me.

…I see. It looks like you should stop disguising yourself.


I-I cannot do that! If my true identity is exposed, I won’t be able to observe the⁠— *gasp*

(How did he know? My disguise should’ve been absolutely flawless. There’s no way he could’ve seen through it.)


Hm… You seem to have a reason why you can’t stop.

My divination exists to make people happy, so if I tell you something that might make you unhappy, please, follow your heart instead.

That aside… There’s something that concerns me a bit.

On the lower left side, the third one from the back. I sense that a demon is about to awaken there.



(Is he talking about the cavity that I felt was coming in…?)


Additionally, your position seems to require you to be quite strict with people. But that doesn’t always match your disposition, so you’ve been forcing yourself to do something you don’t want to without realizing it.

When you feel lost, it’s best to contact a friend who can remind you of what you originally wanted to do.




Your time is up, yes! I can lead you outside, yes!


Wait. I need to ask you something.

Will the town in which I spent my days with my dear friend ever regain its former glory…?



…I believe you should experience that for yourself.

Arataka - Entrance


(Why on earth did I ask him that? No, I know why. It’s because I felt like he saw through to the depths of my heart.)

(Is that the true power of divination…? It can see into people’s hearts that accurately?)



Your scrip.


…Huh? Ah, I’m very sorry. What is that again?


Y’just came here from Angel’s Eye, yeah? So you should’ve gotten a prescription there. Show me your app.


Ah… Is this it?


Yeah. Wait inside.


Hey, old man. Your face is gonna get stuck that way if you keep frowin’, ay? Ryui’s got just the right thing for ya, ay. Sit tight and wait, ay.


My apologies, I was wandering around while following my app, and it took me here, but may I ask what kind of shop this is? It’s absolutely filled with different charms and talismans…


Looks like y’already know. It’s a charm shop.


Ch-Charm shop…?


Up to you if you wanna believe in ‘em. I don’t plan on pushin’ any beliefs on you.

It’s just a tiny, l’il thing, but if you carry it around with you, it reminds you of what your wishes are. That’s what a lucky charm is.


We have a selection of charms from all over the world in here, ay. You’re gonna get one that perfectly matches the scrip you got from Angel’s Eye, ay.


All over the world…! Surely, that must have been difficult to procure.


Not really. I originally collected them to repel spiritual damage.

But seein’ unhappy people gives me bad energy too. I’ll keep handin’ ‘em out, as long as there are people who want ‘em.




Here, this one’s yours. There’s a magatama bead from Shimane in the bag.

S’made from rutilated amethyst. It can ward off evil and help you deepen your bonds with your loved ones. Helps with luck in work and competitions too.

It’s best to wear it in a way where it can touch your skin, but you don’t seem like that kinda guy, so you can leave it in the bag and put it in your wallet.





Now that you got one of my charms, everything’ll be fine. I’m sure your wishes are gonna come true.

HAMA Streets

(I feel strangely better than I did before. Maybe it’s because he said such encouraging words to me.)

(Fortune-telling and lucky charms, hm?)

(I’m wholly unfamiliar with them, but if their goal is to make people’s hearts feel lighter, then I suppose the world still needs them.)

Alright, next is… Flower…Laundry…?


  1. In the original, instead of “other typical methods”, Toi says 卜占 (bokusen), which is a categorization of divination that’s largely untranslatable to English. The bokusen category entails using methods that can produce random results (such as Tarot cards, dice rolling, or Lenormand cards) and deriving meaning from those results to tell someone’s fortune.