Hey, hey, HEY! Step right up, folks, and have yourselves a gander.
You won’t find deals like these anywhere else, so pick ‘em up while you still can!
We have some deliiiiciously kyute, shuuuuper duper sweet, animal-shaped chwocolates!
Ooh, they’re shaped like little animals? That’s so cute!
Excuse me, can I get one of these Sleepy Fawn chocolates?
One Mr. Fawn, comin’ right up!
I’ll take a Wiggly-Jiggly White Bunny chocolate gift wrapped, please!
Yessir! Certified 100% wrapped with love!
Grrmmm… I don’t know… What should I get?
Got your pick yet, esteemed customer?
Grrnnmm… Could I ask you to recommend something with a good cacao polyphenol content?
Huh? Caca…po?? A Kakapo??
Oh, but chocolate with high cacao and polyphenol content is still high in lipids and caffeine, so even if the catechins and procyanidins have antioxidant properties, everything needs to have just the right balance so it doesn’t affect my daughter’s health…
Errrrrm… Uhhhhhhhh. So, wait, your daughter is sick ‘cause a kakapo’s chin got in her eye…?
How about this one? This is our Assorted Sleepy Forest Animal set. We just released it this year.
This set has both dark chocolate high in cacao content and regular milk chocolate, so it’ll give you a nice, balanced experience.
Grmm! I’ll take it!
Thanks for shopping with us, we hope to see you again!
Phew-wee. That was an insanely close call.
Sorry, Tao-san, and thanks for covering for me!
Don’t sweat it. That kinda stuff puts a lot of pressure on you.
Nah, but you seriously have max hospitality. Like, the way you handled that was super slick, but you really swooshed in like a hero back there!
Oh, come on. I think it’s pretty awesome how you’re always helping every customer with a big smile on your face too.
Like, there was that one customer who was kinda iffy on buying something, but your cheerfulness convinced them to open up and buy lots of stuff. You’re great at getting close to peoples’ hearts.
Tao-san, are you saying what I think you’re saying? Y’mean I totally have that MC hero potential in me, so one of these days I’m gonna catch up and surpass you?!
Alright, don’t get ahead of yourself now.
Heheh, sorries!
…And just like that, the two of us ended up working part time for a Valentine’s pop-up store.
As for how exactly we got here…
This channel’s airing a Valentine’s special…
*click, click, click*
This one too. And this one. And that one, EVERY SINGLE CHANNEL…! Ahhhhh, all the chocolates look insanely good!!
Jeez Louise, it’s almost like a sign that I’ll be getting too many chocolates this year…! Our resident cavity reserve troops are about to start wildin’!!
But the honorable Isotake Akuta would never turn down a chocolate. Instead, he welcomes all chocolates, no matter the amount, with open arms…
Wait, can you ship stuff from school…? I might have to carry it all back myself, so maybe I should start training my shoulders—
<Fly to even greater heights…>
Wha— HUH!? Is that Yukikaze-san?!
<Melt even deeper into sweet bliss.>
*whistle* Damn, he even gets commercials like these? Now THAT’S a celeb!
<Express your own feelings in your own way.>
In my own way…?
(Ah, it’s coming. I can feel it. It’s here.)
(The spark, a flash of inspiration is descending upon me…)
He’s right… I can’t just keep gatekeeping all that chocolate to myself, I’ve gotta stop being so small-minded…!
Say good-bye to a passive Valentine’s!!
It’s time for me to go on the offensive and ATTACK!!! That’s what Boss Bro Yukikaze was hinting at all along!
Isotake, it’s late, so keep it down. Don’t disturb our neighbors.
Liguang-san! What impeccable timing of yours to return right at this moment!
Please gimme some work!! I’m a super duper tough guy, bet!! Plus, I’m an early riser too!!
H-Hey, don’t jump at me. You’re too cl—
I-I don’t mind if it’s dangerous!! I’ll get on a fishing boat, heck, a spaceship even, ANYTHING GOES, PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE!!!
Get off of me already, brat!
No can do, Liguang-san! Please, work with me here! I just want money! I need me some cold hard cash, FAST!!!
What…? Money?