The Florist


July 1st. I snuck out of the hospital today. I’m going on my first trip… Kaede-chan is taking me, like he promised.

I’m so excited… I wonder if Kaede-chan can tell when he holds my hand. That’s all I can think about.

July 1st. I snuck out of the hospital today. I’m going on my first trip… Kaede-chan is taking me, like she promised.

I’m so excited… I wonder if Kaede-chan can tell when she holds my hand. That’s all I can think about.

I’ll never forget this day for the rest of my life. Everything I saw, everything I ate, everybody I met… All the smells, the sounds, the colors… And I’ll never forget how warm Kaede-chan’s hand was.

Going on a trip can make you feel so many things.

So I’ve decided. One day… As HAMA Ward 0 mayor, I’ll make sure everyone who visits gets the best hospitality ever.

Oguro Hospital - Room

I knew it… It’s a recording from the day I helped Kafka sneak out of the hospital and we explored HAMA together.

(Kafka… This day really meant a lot to him.)



“One day as mayor…” I expect nothing less from the heir of the current HAMA ward 0 mayor… What grand ambitions from such a young age.

But I digress. We must commence the search for Young Master Kafka immediately. I propose we go our separate ways for maximum efficiency.


Yeah, that makes sense. I’ll head out, then…

Chinatown - Alleyway



(I don’t think Kafka left the cassette there for no reason.)

(I thought I could start by following the route I laid out for our trip back then, but…)

I didn’t really think it through when I made it, so it goes all over the place. I hope I can find him sooner rather than later… *bump*

Delinquent in Extremely Cropped Jacket

Woah, there! You got a problem with me or somethin’?


Oh, excuse me.

Delinquent in Dangerously Saggy Pants

Whazzat?! You almost pushed my bud over and that’s all he gets?! Is douchebaggery a HAMA thing or what?!


No, I…

(This is bad… Are places around here starting to become delinquent hangouts because they’re run down now?)

Delinquent in Dangerously Saggy Pants

It took two whole hours for us to come down here to bum-fuck-ass HAMA, y’know!

Delinquent in Extremely Cropped Jacket

Came out here lookin’ for a good fight, y’know what I’m sayin’?!




Looking to fight? But why here…?

Delinquent in Extremely Cropped Jacket

‘Cuz everywhere else got those cop bots chasin’ us out, duh. Keep up with the times, y’old geezer.

Delinquent in Extremely Cropped Jacket

‘Cuz everywhere else got those cop bots chasin’ us out, duh. Keep up with the times, y’old hag.

Delinquent in Dangerously Saggy Pants

But since the bots ain’t in HAMA, my buddy over here runs this place!


(I can’t believe this…)

Delinquent in Extremely Cropped Jacket

So you gonna cough it up or what? You went outta your way to bump into me, so hand it over.

Delinquent in Dangerously Saggy Pants

Pay damages, yeah?

Delinquent in Extremely Cropped Jacket

I ain’t got all day, shithead.

Delinquent in Dangerously Saggy Pants

Cops ain’t gonna help in civil cases, pisshead.


Uh… I don’t have any money on me…

Delinquent in Extremely Cropped Jacket

Ay, don’t be such a tightwad! If you don’t got cash, I’ll be nice and let you pay digital.


No, I still…



Excuse me… Would you like some flowers?

Delinquent in Extremely Cropped Jacket


Delinquent in Dangerously Saggy Pants

Who the hell are you?


You can pay digitally, if you’d like.

Delinquent in Extremely Cropped Jacket

Wh… You tryna start something, dickwad?!


Do you have any favorite flowers? Or a favorite color… Oh, if you don’t, I can pick out some that match with your favorite words in flower language.

Delinquent in Dangerously Saggy Pants

Flower language?! The fuck are you talkin’ about?!


Let me see… I can recommend one…

Here, how about some amaryllises?

Delinquent in Extremely Cropped Jacket

I don’t need that shit!


Oh, I see… Well, then…

What about grape hyacinths?

Delinquent in Dangerously Saggy Pants

We said we don’t want any of your damn flowers! Are you dumb?!


Oh… Well, I guess I have to hand over my prized possession…


(He’s taking something out of his pocket… Is that…horsetail…?!)

Delinquent in Extremely Cropped Jacket

Wh⁠— A piece of grass? The hell…


I harvested it to use for dinner tonight, but you can have it. I got it for free, so no need to pay me back.

Delinquent in Dangerously Saggy Pants

The fuck are you…

Delinquent in Extremely Cropped Jacket

L-Let’s just go.

Delinquent in Dangerously Saggy Pants

Yeah, let’s get outta here.


HAMA nice trip.


(Wow… He got them to leave with just some horsetail… Wait…)

Uh, what did you just say…?


Hm? Which part?


The…“HAMA nice trip” thing?


Oh, yeah. It’s something I came up with. Kind of like a greeting to people who come to visit HAMA.

It’s not really catching on, though. But you can use it too, if you like it.


Oh, thank you… Yeah, it’s nice.

Oh, and also! Thank you for helping me out!


I didn’t really do anything crazy. It’s about to rain anyway.


It is? How do you…

Huh? Wait…

No way… It’s a page from the travel guide I made for Kafka when we were kids. It’s just a copy, but…what is it doing here?

Travel guide

This Chinatown was made to be a special tourist spot so HAMA could revive its economy through inbound tourism (visitors from other countries coming to Japan)!

The idea worked super well and Chinatown is always busy! The shumai here is really good.


(…Now I remember. Back then was HAMA’s golden age, and everywhere was always crowded with people…)

Flashback Start


Chinatown Resident A

Oh, aren’t you two the cutest little customers! Did you come here by yourselves?

Chinatown Resident B

Hey, you two! Wanna give this a try? Don’t worry about the money, just take a sample!

Chinatown Resident C

Are you lost? Where are you trying to go? …Oh, that’s right by the station. I can take you there, follow me!


(Everybody here was so nice to us… I don’t think we got special treatment just because we were kids.)

(If you compare what it was like then to now…)

Flashback End

…Everything’s so different.



Uh… Are you okay?


Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about something.


Are you headed somewhere? If it’s not too far, I can give you a ride on my motorcycle.